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Dark grey atoms are carbon. White atoms are hydrogen.
Single Polytwistane Nanothread
A short section of polytwistane, a simple chiral nanothread. About 50 different fully saturated degree-6 nanothreads such as polytwistane have been enumerated. Polytwistane has an infinitely long unit cell. NMR suggests that the "stiff-chiral-3" structure is most consistent so far with the experimental data on nanothreads. See it below and Nano Letters 18, 4934 (2018). Here is the pdb file.
Polytwistane Nanothread Crystal
Nanothreads appear to spontaneously self-assemble into crystal bundles such as these, whether benzene reactant is single crystal or not. See JACS 139, 16343 (2017). Here is the pdb file.
Single Stiff-chiral-3 Nanothread
Stiff-chiral-3 is more complex nanothread. Like the majority of nanothread structures, it appears capable of packing into the observed hexagonal crystal. Here is the pdb file.
Single Tube (3,0) Nanothread
Tube (3,0) was one of the two nanothread structures first proposed in 2001. It is one of the simplest nanothreads, and can be thought of as consisting of stacked cyclohexane rings. It's structure is not consistent with experiment. Here is the pdb file.