John V. Badding

Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science and Engineering
Lead Principal Investigator, NSF Center for Nanothread Chemistry

Pennsylvania State University

Professor John Badding received his B.S. from Manhattan College in 1984 and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989. He was a Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Geophysical Laboratory in Washington DC, working with Dave Mao and Russell Hemley.  Now he is Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, USA and the author of over 200 publications. Badding is a materials and solid-state chemist whose research focuses on using high pressures to synthesize or characterize nanomaterials. Because of their unusual properties and unprecedented chemical structures, these materials have applications in telecommunications, in photovoltaic solar technology, and in high-strength materials. His work with optical fibers synthesized at high pressure has the potential for technological impact by creating tunable infrared lasers with unprecedented power, fiber-based electronic devises, and solar fabrics. In 2014 Badding and his research team reported the discovery of carbon nanothreads, a new type of tetrahedrally bonded one-dimensional carbon nanomaterial. He has received awards from the Packard Foundation, the US National Science Foundation, and Pennsylvania State University.
